Names Index of
Wade, Calahil M. (i4103), b.1826-
Wade, Calahil M. (marriage to Virginia M. Clark Twin) (i4103), b.1826-
Wade, John S. (i4105), b.1858-
Wade, Nancy R. (i4106), b.1860-
Wade, Virginia M. (i4104), b.1857-
Waggoner, Ann Kathryn (i2348), b.1959-d.1959
Waggoner, Barton Maynard (i4141), d.1908
Waggoner, Barton Maynard (marriage to Ida Bell Clark) (i4141), d.1908
Waggoner, Carnice Lamont (i4210) (still alive)
Waggoner, Cynthia Lynn (i2350) (living status unknown)
Waggoner, Cynthia Lynn (marriage to David Paul Koeing) (i2350) (living status unknown)
Waggoner, David Lawrence (i2349) (living status unknown)
Waggoner, Donald Lee (i2344) (living status unknown)
Waggoner, Edna (i4214) (still alive)
Waggoner, Effie Jane (i4212) (still alive)
Waggoner, Elizabeth Kathleen (i2353) (living status unknown)
Waggoner, John (i2347), b.1958-d.1958
Waggoner, Lola (i4211) (still alive)
Waggoner, Mary Edra (i4215) (still alive)
Waggoner, Russell Henry (i2345)
Waggoner, William Clark (i4213) (still alive)
Waits, Roy Lee (marriage to Bertha Cleoah Clark) (i4016), b.1899-d.1959
Walker, Caroline Jo M. (i1187) (living status unknown)
Walker, Milner (i814), d.1849
Walker, Milner (marriage to Caroline Tarpley) (i814), d.1849
Walker, Mr. (marriage to Beatrice Payne) (i2010)
Walker, Ruby (marriage to Paul Andrew Jr. Kaelson) (i2316)
Wallace, Catherine (marriage to John Anderson) (i2977), b.1830-d.1896
Wallace, Clair (i5795)
Wallace, Katherine Addline (marriage to John Richard Moore) (i4709)
Walling, Dawn Marie (i3883) (still alive)
Walling, Luther (i3882)
Walling, Patricia Ann (i3884) (still alive)
Walter, Oscar C. (marriage to Mabel Emma Turner) (i2303), b.1901-d.1990
Walters, Lorene (marriage to Loyd Moore) (i5338)
Walz, Harold (marriage to Izetta May Johnson) (i1865), b.1926-d.1989
Ward, Edith (marriage to James Murphy) (i5926)
Warren, Kristin Yovanne (i2270) (still alive)
Warren, Larry (i2269)
Warren, Raymond (marriage to Edith Fay Clark) (i4162) (living status unknown)
Warren, Thomas J. (marriage to Amanda M. Webb) (i1255)
Warwick, Joye Alice (i2582) (still alive)
Warwick, Ralph Harold (i2581), b.1903-d.1957
Warwick, Ralph Harold (marriage to Bessie Annalee Wilson) (i2581), b.1903-d.1957
Wasmer, Dena Kay (i522) (still alive)
Wasmer, Michael (i521) (still alive)
Wasmer, Michelle (i520), d.1956
Wasmer, Mr. (i519)
Watley, Curtis (i6033) (still alive)
Watley, George C. (i2771), d.1959
Watley, George C. (marriage to Verna Harwell) (i2771), d.1959
Watley, Wylafae (i6032) (still alive)
Watts, John F. (marriage to Mary J. Catt) (i4740), b.1827-d.1875
Watts, Sarah "Catherine" (marriage to James W. Bowman) (i3671), b.1840-d.1923
Weathers, Billy Wayne (i5592) (living status unknown)
Weathers, Billy Wayne (marriage to Eula Florena Guthrie) (i5592) (living status unknown)
Webb, ? (i1250)
Webb, ? (i1261)
Webb, Amanda M. (i1254)
Webb, Caroline (i1257)
Webb, Harrison (i1256)
Webb, J. F. (marriage to Betty Lucile Moore) (i5085)
Webb, James (i1258)
Webb, John (i1259)
Webb, Joseph (i1260)
Webb, Lucretia Jane (i890)
Webb, Martha Jefferson (i888)
Webb, Rebecca Ann (i1251), d.1841
Webb, Wilson (i821), d.1842
Webb, Wilson (marriage to Frances Ann Tarpley) (i821), d.1842
Webster, Franklin D. Jr. (i5203) (still alive)
Webster, Franklin D. Sr. (i5201) (still alive)
Webster, Johnny Clifford (i5204) (still alive)
Webster, Laura Ann (i5202) (still alive)
Weeks, Mr. (marriage to Jean Lawrence) (i2124)
Weilert, Ruth (marriage to Zeb Baird) (i5975)
Welch, Anna (marriage to Marvin Leonard Sr. Bender) (i5997)
Welch, Coy Everett (i5240) (living status unknown)
Welch, Franklin Plumer (i4949)
Welch, Franklin Plumer (marriage to Mary Mae Moore) (i4949)
Welch, George Washington (i4951), b.1906-d.1981
Welch, Irvin Eldon (i4952), b.1908-d.1954
Welch, Isam Bransford (i4950), b.1903-d.1904
Welch, L. V. (i4958) (still alive)
Welch, Martin Edgar (i4953) (still alive)
Welch, Susan Josephine (i4956) (still alive)
Welch, Velma Leona (i4954) (still alive)
Welch, Violet Ivy (i4957) (still alive)
Wells, Edith (marriage to Thomas "Olan" Bowman) (i3680)
Wells, Elizabeth Ann (i1651) (still alive)
Wells, Jennifer Rebecca (i1650) (still alive)
Wells, Lance David (i1652) (still alive)
Wells, Nancy Alice (marriage to Luther Forrest Catt) (i117), b.1860-d.1929
Wells, Richard (i1649) (still alive)
Welsh, Laura (marriage to John M. Cardwell) (i4767)
Wesley, Lue (marriage to Charles Sutton) (i5573)
West, Julia (marriage to Henry "Harry" Harper) (i4401)
Westcott, Brenda Lee (i2653) (still alive)
Westcott, Gary Ronald Jr. (i2652) (still alive)
Westcott, Gary Ronald Sr. (i2650) (still alive)
Westcott, Larry Eugene (i2655) (still alive)
Westcott, Lois Eileen (i2656) (still alive)
Westcott, Timothy Ray (i2654) (still alive)
Westmoreland, Mr. (marriage to Sarah Tarpley) (i632)
Westmoreland, Reeves (marriage to Susanna Harwell) (i572)
Westmoreland, Thomas (marriage to Sarah Susan Tarpley) (i895), b.1771-d.1815
Wharton, John (i219) (still alive)
Wharton, Michael Anthony (i396), b.1958-d.1985
Wheatley, Daniel (marriage to Mary Lawrence) (i2119)
Wheeler, F. M. (i5258), b.1838-
Wheeler, Herschel Edward (i4918) (living status unknown)
Wheeler, Homer Alberta "Bertie" (i4707), b.1892-d.1968
Wheeler, Homer Alberta "Bertie" (marriage to James Luther Sr. Gambrell) (i4707), b.1892-d.1968
Wheeler, J. H. P. (i5263), b.1845-
Wheeler, Jasper Newton (i4706)
Wheeler, Jesse Lee (i4916) (living status unknown)
Wheeler, John (i4831), b.1853-
Wheeler, John Wesley Jr. (i5262), b.1844-
Wheeler, John Wesley (i5257)
Wheeler, John Wesley (marriage to Anna Moore) (i5257)
Wheeler, Jubal (i4914)
Wheeler, Luvena (i4833), b.1856-
Wheeler, Mary (i4832), b.1855-
Wheeler, Mr. (i4830)
Wheeler, Mr. (marriage to Elizabeth I. Moore) (i4830)
Wheeler, Mr. (marriage to Martha C. Rozell) (i5603)
Wheeler, Nancy C. (marriage to George Washington Moore) (i4536), b.1839-d.1905
Wheeler, Nancy Merselly (i5260), b.1841-
Wheeler, Nancy Merselly (marriage to William Catha Kennamer) (i5260), b.1841-
Wheeler, R. A. (i5261), b.1842-
Wheeler, R. G. (i5264), b.1848-
Wheeler, Rosa Lee Bertha (i4708), b.1893-d.1990
Wheeler, Rosa Lee Bertha (marriage to Thomas Ruben Lamance) (i4708), b.1893-d.1990
Wheeler, Sarah (marriage to A. Hodges) (i4649)
Wheeler, Sherwood Sylvester (i4913)
Wheeler, Sherwood Sylvester (marriage to Ettta Mae Moore) (i4913)
Wheeler, Thomas Marion (i4705)
Wheeler, Thomas Marion (marriage to Eliza Isabell Moore) (i4705)
Wheeler, Vanloe Sylvester (i4917) (living status unknown)
Wheeler, W. M. (i5259), b.1839-
Wheeler, Wesley S. (marriage to Rebecca A. Moore) (i4633)
Whitcomb, Eleanor (i2719) (living status unknown)
Whitcomb, Joe (i2717)
Whitcomb, Joe (marriage to Nancy Pavey) (i2717)
Whitcomb, Thelma (i2718) (living status unknown)
White, ? (marriage to Rebecca E. Smith) (i3459)
Whiteside, Mary Ellen (marriage to Oscar Leonidas Harwell) (i442), b.1867-d.1916
Whitley, Grover Cleveland (marriage to Nellie Madge Lawrence) (i2039)
Whitley, Myrtle (marriage to Robert L. Lawrence) (i1927)