1. Charles1 Sutton birth date unknown.
Charles Sutton and Lue Wesley had the following child:
Erma Mae2 Sutton was born in Happy, Randall County, TX June 1, 1922.
Erma died June 7, 1997 Amarillo, Potter County, TX, at 75 years of age. She married Jessie
"Bill" Murrell Boyd Amarillo, Potter County, TX, March 22, 1949. Jessie was born in Gracemont, Caddo County, OK
September 14, 1915. Jessie was the son of Jessie Greene Boyd and Eunice Iola Tarpley. Jessie died January 7, 1989
Amarillo, Potter County, TX, at 73 years of age. His body was interred in Amarillo, Texas. (See Jessie "Bill" Murrell Boyd for the continuation of this line.)
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