Names Index of Co-Cu
Cockstedder, Nettie (marriage to Joseph C. Wilkins) (i926)
Coffee, David Brian (i2570) (still alive)
Coffee, Justin (i2572) (still alive)
Coffee, Ronald Dean (i2569)
Coffee, Ronald Dean (marriage to Dixie Lee Wilson) (i2569)
Coffee, Timothy Ray (i2573) (still alive)
Coffman, Elmer (marriage to Anna Pavey) (i2720)
Cole, Bettie Stevens (i176), b.1890-d.1977
Cole, Betty Joyce (i167), b.1929-d.1979
Cole, Betty Joyce (marriage to J. O. Connel) (i167), b.1929-d.1979
Cole, Billy Charles (i87) (still alive)
Cole, Billy Randall (i89) (still alive)
Cole, Byron Ramsey (i180), b.1906-d.1972
Cole, Carissa D'Lynn (i5) (still alive)
Cole, Charles Brendon (i4) (still alive)
Cole, Christy Michelle (i304) (still alive)
Cole, Claxton Dale (i165) (still alive)
Cole, David Lena (i209), b.1871-d.1948
Cole, Elisha B. (i188), b.1815-d.1832
Cole, Elzie Evie (i203), b.1867-d.1957
Cole, Emily (i191), b.1818-
Cole, Escol Brunett (i179), b.1900-d.1966
Cole, Francis Asberry (i190), b.1825-
Cole, Frank Gilmer (i88), b.1901-d.1966
Cole, Frank Gilmer (marriage to Nora Lee Claxton) (i88), b.1901-d.1966
Cole, Gregory Lynn (i163) (still alive)
Cole, James Sinclair (i205), b.1868-d.1945
Cole, James Thomas (i177), b.1893-d.1971
Cole, John (i310) (still alive)
Cole, John (marriage to Sembly Lawrence) (i2104)
Cole, John Collins (i214), b.1878-d.1933
Cole, Katherine Brunette (i217), b.1880-
Cole, Martha (i193), b.1810-d.1896
Cole, Martha Jane (i199), b.1858-d.1861
Cole, Mary Byron (i197), b.1856-d.1935
Cole, Nancy Ann (i195), b.1820-
Cole, Nanie Dorcas (i206), b.1870-d.1945
Cole, Otway Anna (i211), b.1873-d.1877
Cole, Sallie George (i212), b.1876-
Cole, Solon Everett (i201), b.1865-d.1933
Cole, Thomas Dr. (i182), b.1785-d.1857
Cole, Thomas Dr. (marriage to Harriet Byron Bashaw) (i182), b.1785-d.1857
Cole, Thomas Francis (i172), b.1861-d.1907
Cole, Thomas Francis (marriage to Laura Ann Ramsey) (i172), b.1861-d.1907
Cole, Thomas Sidenham (i174), b.1822-d.1888
Cole, Urban T. (i186), b.1810-d.1896
Cole, Virgil Eustac (i178), b.1895-d.1975
Cole, William Elvin (i200), b.1864-d.1875
Cole, William Kendrick (Bill) (i189), b.1827-
Coleman, Connie Louise (i5193) (still alive)
Coleman, Edsel (i2805) (living status unknown)
Coleman, John (i2804) (living status unknown)
Coleman, Lila (i2801) (living status unknown)
Coleman, Tom (i5192)
Coleman, Tom (marriage to Betty Louise Tarpley) (i5192)
Coleman, Walter (i2722)
Coleman, Walter (marriage to Lola Catt) (i2722)
Coleman, Wilford (i2803)
Collins, Ann Elizabeth (i3530) (living status unknown)
Collins, Harry Vincent (i3527), b.1910-d.1977
Collins, John O. G. (marriage to Mary J. Catt) (i4741), b.1828-d.1895
Collins, Larry Christopher (i3406) (living status unknown)
Collins, Larry George (i3529) (living status unknown)
Collins, Mary Margaret (i3528) (living status unknown)
Collins, Sarah (marriage to Ebenezer Smith) (i161)
Colvin, Donna Jean (i3297) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Donna Jean (marriage to Donald Wayne Kerrington) (i3297) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Gene (i3296), b.1915-d.1966
Colvin, Jack Leroy (i3298) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Jackie Kay (i3306) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Mike (i3309) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Pamela (i3308) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Sharon Kay (i3299) (living status unknown)
Colvin, Terry Wayne (i3307)
Combs, Ora (marriage to James Ancil Moore) (i4702)
Connel, Courtney Elaine (i388) (still alive)
Connel, Gary Michael "Mike" (i169) (still alive)
Connel, J. O. (i168), d.1979
Connel, J. O. (marriage to Betty Joyce Cole) (i168), d.1979
Connel, John "Ryan" (i386) (still alive)
Connel, Johnny Strauss (i170) (still alive)
Connel, Libby Shea (i387) (still alive)
Connel, Patricia Dian (i171) (still alive)
Connel, Samantha (i384) (still alive)
Connel, Seth Phillip (i381) (still alive)
Connel, Shelby Elizabeth (i383) (still alive)
Connel, Sydney Machelle (i382) (still alive)
Conner, Martha Virginia Ely (marriage to David Garland Bell Clark) (i4123), b.1847-d.1907
Cook, Cellie Mae (i3986), b.1893-d.1970
Cook, Ella (marriage to George Elrod) (i5553)
Cook, James Elbert (i3984), b.1857-
Cook, James Elbert (marriage to Dora Etter Clark) (i3984), b.1857-
Cook, James Jefferson (i3985), b.1890-d.1980
Coon, Agile V. (marriage to Gerald Alvin Simpson) (i1728) (living status unknown)
Cooper, Ellen (i5210)
Cooper, James Milton (i5206), b.1843-
Cooper, John T. (marriage to Carolina Clark) (i4124) (living status unknown)
Cooper, Lorenzo Dow (i4484)
Cooper, Mariah "Mary" (i5207), b.1852-
Cooper, Martha Jane (i5208), b.1855-
Cooper, Mr. (marriage to Libbie Martha Rozell) (i4610)
Cooper, Ralph (marriage to Bernice Moore) (i5343)
Cooper, Richmond Dow (i5209)
Cooper, Sterling S. Jr. (marriage to Elizabeth Ramsey) (i4418) (living status unknown)
Cooper, William Gracen (i5205), b.1840-
Cornelius, Billy (i767) (living status unknown)
Cornelius, Jess (i766)
Cornelius, Jess (marriage to Vida Tarpley) (i766)
Cornwell, ? (marriage to Allie Leu Elsie Utterback) (i5460) (living status unknown)
Cortez, Elsie (marriage to Roy L. Simpson) (i1627) (living status unknown)
Coulter, Gussie "Gus" J. (i6023), b.1892-d.1967
Coulter, James (i6026) (living status unknown)
Coulter, Ruth (i6025) (living status unknown)
Countryman, ? (marriage to Eva Viola Tygart) (i5498) (living status unknown)
Courtney, Johnnie Lloyd (marriage to Cordia Mary Hall) (i221), b.1928-d.1996
Cowan, Clarence (marriage to Dorothy Elizabeth Robinson) (i3148)
Cowan, George (i1186)
Cowan, James (i1185)
Cowan, Julias (i1183)
Cowan, Kate (i1184)
Cowan, Matthew (i1182)
Cowan, Matthew (marriage to Adaline Hill) (i1182)
Cox, Viola (marriage to William Monahan) (i5499), b.1907-d.1928
Coyan, Alana Kay (i3198) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Christy (i3199) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Karen Marie (i4259) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Kari Kayleen (i4256) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Kelly (i3200) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Kelly Duane (i4257) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Kris Robert (i4258) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Robert "Bob" Leroy (i4255) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Sandra Irene (i3194) (living status unknown)
Coyan, Sandra Irene (marriage to Robert "Bob" Hartshon) (i3194) (living status unknown)
Coyan, William Clyde (i3193) (living status unknown)
Coyan, William Clyde (marriage to Vivian Irene Robinson) (i3193) (living status unknown)
Coyan, William James (i3201) (living status unknown)
Cramer, Viola (marriage to William "Willie" Harmon Carson) (i2825)
Cranford, Elza (marriage to James Hulen) (i5636)
Crank, Allie Kee (i4174), b.1903-d.1904
Crank, Anna Lee (i4173) (still alive)
Crank, Carl Ronald (i4168), b.1884-d.1930
Crank, David Crocket (i4169) (still alive)
Crank, James Francis (i4167), b.1887-d.1918
Crank, Joseph (marriage to Ida Bell Clark) (i4143) (living status unknown)
Crank, Joseph Sagers (i4175) (still alive)
Crank, Raphael Lewis (i4172) (still alive)
Crank, Samuel Earl (i4170) (still alive)
Crank, Samuel Mcpherson (i4138), b.1855-d.1943
Crank, Samuel Mcpherson (marriage to Effie Birtie Clark) (i4138), b.1855-d.1943
Crank, Willard Scott (i4171) (still alive)
Craven, Myrtle (marriage to Gobel Lawrence) (i1980)
Cravens, Eliga (marriage to Nanie Dorcas Cole) (i208)
Crawford, Margaret Beulah (marriage to James Stevens Ramsey) (i4551)
Crawford, Mary (marriage to John Clark Farmer) (i3973), b.1811-d.1876
Crittenden, Mr. (marriage to Beulah Christanna Rozell) (i5633)
Crossar, Bobby (i2487) (still alive)
Crossar, Jennifer (i2486) (still alive)
Crossar, Kyle (i2488) (still alive)
Crossar, Mr. (i2485)
Crotinger, Dustin Wade (i1778) (still alive)
Crotinger, James Marshall (i1779) (still alive)
Crotinger, Jerad Whyat (i1777) (still alive)
Crotinger, Scott Alan (i1776) (still alive)
Crotinger, Tyler Jordan (i1780) (still alive)
Cuddy, Megan Dorothy (i2631) (still alive)
Cuddy, Michael F. (i2630) (still alive)
Cuddy, Phelan Michael (i2632) (still alive)
Culbertson, Esther Isabelle (marriage to Gustaf Rylander) (i3040)
Culver, Jackie Dwayne (i2636) (still alive)
Culver, Julie Renee (i2640) (still alive)
Culver, Kelly Joyce (i2645) (still alive)
Culver, Kristin Marie (i2639) (still alive)
Culver, Patrick Craig (i2644) (still alive)
Culver, Paul Dwayne (i2637) (still alive)
Cunningham, Alva Louise (marriage to Harrison Everett Tarpley) (i963), b.1910-d.1930
Cunningham, Keith (i5755) (living status unknown)
Cunningham, Rick (i5756) (living status unknown)
Cunningham, Ronny (i5757) (living status unknown)
Cunningham, Woodrow (i5754) (living status unknown)
Cunningham, Woodrow (marriage to Clemme Lynch) (i5754) (living status unknown)
Curnutt, Allen (i2885)
Curnutt, Connie (i2886) (living status unknown)
Curnutt, Sherry (i2887) (living status unknown)
Curnutt, Terry (i2888) (living status unknown)
Curtis, Herman W. (i564), b.1891-d.1978
Curtis, Herman W. (marriage to Lennah Joyce Trees) (i564), b.1891-d.1978
Curtis, Will H. (i566) (living status unknown)
Cutler, Cory James (i1604) (still alive)
Cutler, James Kenneth (i1600) (still alive)
Cutler, Kenneth Bailey (i1599), b.1911-d.1966
Cutler, Opal Louise (i1601) (still alive)
Cutler, Todd Michael (i1603) (still alive)
Cynthia Ann Cooper, Sintha (i4483), b.1850-d.1939
Cynthia Ann Cooper, Sintha (marriage to Henry Mace) (i4483), b.1850-d.1939