108. James Samuel9 Tarpley (Samuel Sanders8, John7, Sterling6, John5, John4, John3, John2, John1) was born in Marysville, Texas July 22, 1874. James died in Abilene, Taylor County, Texas. His body was interred in Downing, Comanche County, Texas.
He married twice. He married Margaret Kara Mcdaris in Oklahoma, December 6, 1896. Margaret was born UNKNOWN. Margaret died July 18, 1907 in Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico. Her body was interred in Tucumcari Memorial Park, Tucumcari, New Mexico. He married Effie Wilmouth 1916. Effie was born UNKNOWN. Effie died UNKNOWN.
James Samuel Tarpley and Margaret Kara Mcdaris had the following children:
Gid10 Tarpley (living status unknown).
Leland Tarpley (living status unknown).
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