121. Carl Lee9 Tarpley (Sterling Lake8, Joseph Bell7, Sterling6, John5, John4, John3, John2, John1) was born in Rock Hill, Collin County, Texas June 1, 1885. Carl died June 14, 1941 in Clovis, Curry County, New Mexico, at 56 years of age.
He married Margaret Ann Sherrill in Clovis, Curry County, New Mexico, October 2, 1909. Margaret was born in Licking, Texas County, Missouri February 9, 1887. Margaret died March 5, 1982 in San Juan County, New Mexico, at 95 years of age.
Carl Lee Tarpley and Margaret Ann Sherrill had the following children:
Francis Ann10 Tarpley (living status unknown).
Virginia Lee Tarpley (living status unknown).
Sherrill Lake Tarpley was born August 14, 1910.
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