1. Arthur1 Chrisco birth date unknown.
He married Sarah Josephine Rich.
Arthur Chrisco and Sarah Josephine Rich had the following child:
Effie Armenta2 Chrisco was born in Shannon County?, MO August 7, 1884.
Effie died November 29, 1929 in Cooke County, TX, at 45 years of age. Her body was interred in Cooke County, TX.
She married twice. She married Charles E. Ramsey in Shannon County, MO, December 7, 1903. Charles
was the son of J. A. Ramsey and Birch Tree. (See Charles E. Ramsey for the continuation of
this line.) She married Joseph Richard Bowman in OK ?, After 1907. Joseph was born in Cooke
County, TX March 1871. Joseph was the son of James W. Bowman and Sarah "Catherine" Watts. Joseph died November
29, 1929 in Pilot Point, Denton County, TX, at 58 years of age. His body was interred in Denton County, TX, Belew
Cemetery. (See Joseph Richard Bowman for the continuation of this line.)
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