1. George1 Routh birth date unknown. George died 1940-1941 in OK.
He married Rosa Lee Tarpley in Tucumcari, Quary County, NM. Rosa was born Lawton, Comanche County, OK March 9, 1899. Rosa was the daughter of John Franklin Tarpley and Erie Murphy. Rosa died January 2, 1981 in Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK, at 81 years of age.
George Routh and Rosa Lee Tarpley had the following children:
Roberta Jean2 Routh was born in Sapulpa, Creek County, OK August 9, 1925.
Roberta died September 14, 1999 in Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK, at 74 years of age. She married
Sammy Roach. Sammy was born December 6, 1926. Sammy died January 5, 1976 at 49 years of age. (See Sammy Roach for the continuation of this line.)
Richard Leon Routh (still alive).
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