1. James Alexander1 Proctor birth date unknown.
James Alexander Proctor and Nora A. Jestes had the following child:
Leona Pearl2 Proctor was born in Arkansas City, KS October 18, 1901.
Leona died September 1, 1978 in Mound City, KS, at 76 years of age. Her body was interred in Kansas City, KS,
Memorial Park Cemetery. She married Walter Harmon Burt Fort Scott, Bourbon County, KS, December 4,
1918. Walter was born Fort Scott, Bourbon County, KS January 13, 1900. Walter was the son of Jessie Melvin Burt and
Viola "Pet" Oletha Catt. Walter died March 29, 1975 in Kansas City, KS, at 75 years of age. His body was interred
in Kansas City, KS, Memorial Park.
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