1. John "Troy"1 Stewart birth date unknown.
He married Ella Parthena Clayton.
John "Troy" Stewart and Ella Parthena Clayton had the following child:
Minnie Viola2 Stewart was born in Young County, TX August 11, 1898.
Minnie died July 30, 1966 in Caldwell, Canyon County, ID, at 67 years of age. Her body was interred in Wilder,
ID, Wilder Cemetery. She married Bonnie Theo. Bowman in Arapaho, Custer County, OK, May 28,
1916. Bonnie was born in Cooke or Denton County, TX May 22,1897. Bonnie was the son of Joseph Richard Bowman and
Lula J. Moore. Bonnie died September 9, 1974 in Homedale, Owyhee County, ID, at 77 years of age. His body was
interred in Wilder, ID, Wilder Cemetery. (See Bonnie Theo. Bowman for the continuation of this
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