1. Wilson1 Henson birth date unknown.
Wilson Henson and Mary Emily Adams had the following child:
Hannah Margaret "Maggie"2 Henson was born in Seneca, Newton County, MO
October 26, 1876. Hannah died January 30, 1965 in Glendale, Maricopa County, AZ, at 88 years of age. She married Marion Everett Wilson in Seneca, Newton County, MO, June 26, 1902. Marion was born in
Mapleton, Bourbon County, KS August 26, 1874. Marion was the son of Marion Stacy Wilson and Mary Emily Hobson.
Marion died November 16, 1957 in Glendale, Maricopa County, AZ, at 83 years of age. (See Marion
Everett Wilson for the continuation of this line.)
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