5. Travers4 Tarpley Major (John3, John2, John1) was born in Richmond County, Virginia ABT. 1717. Travers died 1768. His body was interred in Buried in Farnham Parish Churc.
He married Betty Sydnor UNKNOWN. Betty was born February 23, 1717. Betty died 1777 at 60 years of age.
Travers participated in the Other event in Appears to have served as Depu. He resides in Living in Richmond County, Virginia 1740.
Travers Tarpley Major and Betty Sydnor had the following children:
Fanny5 Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Fanny died BEF. 1797. She married Rawleigh Chinn 1775. Rawleigh was born UNKNOWN. Rawleigh died 1816.
Lucy Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Lucy died UNKNOWN. She married Lodowick Jones in
Richmond County, Virginia, May 6, 1725. Lodowick was born UNKNOWN. Lodowick died UNKNOWN.
Betty Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Betty died BEF. 1777. She married Leroy Peachey in
Richmond County, Virginia, 1759. Leroy was born UNKNOWN. Leroy died UNKNOWN. (See Leroy
Peachey for the continuation of this line.)
Winifred Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Winifred died UNKNOWN. She married Charles
Barber Mccarty Capt., Major in Richmond County, Virginia, ABT. 1760. Charles was born in North Farnham Parish, Richmond
County, Virginia 1741. Charles died 1785 in North Farnham Parish, Richmond County, Virginia, at 44 years of age. (See
Charles Barber Mccarty Capt., Major for the continuation of this line.)
Milly Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Milly died UNKNOWN. She married Beverley Daniel
in Richmond County, Virginia, 1775. Beverley was born 1752. Beverley died 1782 at 30 years of age.
Nancy Tarpley was born UNKNOWN. Nancy died UNKNOWN.
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