1. Joe1 Gaines birth date unknown.
He married Lillian Lawrence. Lillian was born in Warren, KY May 8, 1877. Lillian was the daughter of Sidney Jackson Lawrence and Ella Grayson. Lillian died August 10, 1948 in Dallas, TX, at 71 years of age. Her body was interred in Dallas, TX, Laurel Land Cemetery.
Joe Gaines and Lillian Lawrence had the following children:
2 i. Lawrence2 Gaines (living status unknown).
3 ii. Steward Gaines (living status unknown).
4 iii. Shelby Gaines (living status unknown).
5 iv. Edna Gaines (living status unknown).
6 v. Lottie Gaines (living status unknown).
7 vi. Garland Gaines (living status unknown).
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